a linear discovery




Sketching the word ‘Discovery’ began with a basic line drawing extending into a further play on deep alley ways letting light guide.

When we ‘discover’ our path of research is changed. The discovery will influence the next direction we take. It will lead us through a series of moments.

Through the use of sharp, linear geometry and angles, a direct use of light has been achieved. During the day it leads the user through the space, attracting them around corners and lighting the way. It influences the path the user takes, being able to discover the brightness and natural flood of light,

The exhibition space is large, with minimal features except the opening of long, linear skylights above. This creates spectacle and will always be changing depending on the time of day and season. The use of concrete absorbs other light and reflection leaving a strong emphasis on the pattern created through above.

programs used: adobe photoshop, adobe indesign, rhino

interior perspective 2.png
interior perspective 1.png
SECTION black and white.png